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Traditional East

Asian Medicine

"To wait for illness to develop before remedying it,
for the disorder to form before taking care of it,
is to wait until one is thirsty before digging the well,
to wait for the battle before forging the weapons.
Is this not too late?"
Huangdi Neijing Suwen

Jennifer Peters

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"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
you touch everything.

- Thich Nhat Hanh

Jennifer Peters, Dip. Shiatsu & Oriental Therapies, Post Grad Cert. Japanese Meridian Therapy,

Post Grad Cert. Japanese Moxibustion Therapy, STAA, IICT



Jennifer is a fully qualified and registered shiatsu practitioner, with post graduate certificates in Japanese Meridian Therapy and Japanese Moxibustion Therapy.

Having been in professional practice since 2001, Jennifer is dedicated to her work and to continuing education in Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM).


Her treatment style is intuitive and nurturing, incorporating shiatsu, Japanese Meridian Therapy, Japanese needling, moxibustion, cupping, tui na, herbal supplements and teas, as well as dietary, exercise and lifestyle advice - all to assist and support you in your healing and wellbeing.

about Jennifer
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Shiatsu is a non-invasive physical therapy, based on the same principles of acupuncture, that supports and strengthens the body's ability to find healing and harmony. It works as a 'whole person' therapy - balancing the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects of being. Through suitable pressure, stretches and the holding of acupressure points, shiatsu unblocks, nourishes and balances the flow of Qi (vital energy), to restore balance and allow healing to take place.

Shiatsu is a deeply relaxing experience and regular treatments can alleviate stress and illness, and maintain health and well-being

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Japanese Meridian Therapy (JMT) is a style of Japanese needling that is based on the classical texts of early Chinese Medicine. JMT emphasises the treatment of the cause of the disease (root treatment) while addressing the symptoms (branch treatment). In Japanese Meridian Therapy, very fine sterile needles are used with gentle, shallow, pain free and non-insertive techniques to correct the flow of Qi in the body.


Moxibustion is an external heat therapy in which dried plant materials called 'moxa' are burned very near the surface of the skin - on an acupoint or affected site. Moxa is usually made from the dried leafy material of the herb mugwort in the form of cones, 'seeds' or sticks. Moxibustion warms and invigorates the flow of Qi in the body, supports the immune system, regulates the nervous system and dispels pathogenic influences.


To support you in your healing process, a combination of both Eastern and Western dietary and lifestyle philosophies are suggested to suit your individual needs and constitution. Advice on what foods to eat, herbal supplements to take, exercises to do and appropriate lifestyle changes to implement will lead you to improved health, vitality and personal empowerment.


A shiatsu treatment at Seed Shiatsu incorporates diagnosis using traditional Chinese medicine principles, including tongue and pulse diagnosis. A treatment plan is then designed to meet your individual needs and state of health, followed by hands-on work utilising fingers, thumbs, palms, knees and feet. If it is appropriate, your treatment may also include japanese needling, moxibustion, gua sha or cupping. Simple dietary and lifestyle recommendations follow the hands-on work to maximise healing.

Treatments are conducted on a low massage table, or a futon on the floor with the client fully clothed, so please wear loose comfortable clothing.

A typical session will last 1.5 hours.


The cost is  - $120 full

                           $90 concession

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Benefits of Shiatsu and Traditional East Asian Medicine

Shiatsu and Traditional East Asian Medicine are holistic therapies that treat the cause, or the root, of a health problem whilst also offering symptomatic relief. They may help many conditions, including:

·         headaches and migraines

·         neck, shoulder and back pain

·         management of injuries and muscular pain

·         anxiety, stress and depression

·         digestive disorders

·         fertility support

·         pregnancy

·         post natal health

·         menstrual difficulties and peri/menopause

·         low immunity

·         poor circulation

·         insomnia and sleep problems

·         RSI, joint pain and arthritis

·         reduced mobility


'I am feeling so well and I am convinced it was your treatments, advice, and the wonderful therapeutic space and time you create that has moved me to a more emotionally balanced, healthy and strong place.
With much gratitude.'




Seed Shiatsu




Victoria, Australia

T: 0415 619 807


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